Virtual careers resources, webinars and the #LondonCareersFestival

The social distancing guidelines of recent months have naturally made large group gatherings impossible. This has not only challenged the fundamental concept of school-based education as we know it but also some specific activities that schools are used to providing, such as provision of the careers agenda. This makes it more difficult for schools to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks.

Following discussion with some of the schools we are contact with, we decided to create some short videos with peers in various industries to give students some insight into how people end up in the careers they are in. You can find these videos here.

We also created a video on interview skills to assist young people:


We’re very grateful to each of the individuals who have given up time to record these short interviews and in many cases made themselves available for future careers events!

We are even more grateful to the following who gave up an hour of their time (not counting the preparation time) to deliver webinars for young people.

  • Tj Power, Performance Psychologist and University Lecturer – webinar on “Mindfulness and Performance”
  • Sean Donnelly, Founder of Roundups – webinar on “Start-ups: the life of an entrepreneur”
  • Farid Kelekun, OnPurpose Associate working at South Kilburn Trust – webinar on “Working in the private sector vs. the third sector”
  • Laura Harmsworth, Founder of Caversham CV Writing – webinar on “How to write your CV”

These webinars were all arranged for the week of the 29th June to align with the virtual London Careers Festival delivered by the City of London Corporation.


Thank you to everybody who joined the live sessions. We hope you found them useful!

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