online learning

Welcome to educ8all

Hello and welcome to educ8all!

What is educ8all?

The educ8all marketplace lets educators provide video courses, documents and tuition to better assist those in primary education or secondary education.

This means that we are happy to add materials that relate to EYFS, Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2, Key Stage 3, GCSE / IGCSE (Key Stage 4) and A-Levels (Key Stage 5).  If you create resources or tutor for at these levels of education, then please get in touch by sending an email to info@. You can also read some FAQs here.

Why should your child (or you, as the parent) sign up to educ8all?

Well, the benefits of studying on the educ8all platform include:

  • It’s FREE to set up an account which will provide you with access to a number of free resources. Further paid-for resources are also available.
  • One stop shop: a central place where students can go to access video content, downloadable resources and private tuition so they only need to go to one place to get that they choice they want.
  • Up-to-date and focused content: as course creators update their content their materials to the latest specifications students benefit by getting content that is most relevant to them.
  • No distractions: content on educ8all is only educational in nature so no music videos or irrelevant content to distract students from studying.
  • Interactive content: tests and quizzes elevate content beyond that found in general videos elsewhere.
  • Consistency: where course creators also provide live tutoring services, students will also be able to book sessions with these tutors to get a consistent style of teaching across pre-recorded lessons and live tuition.

Find out more about how the site works here.

We are delighted to get the site up and running and will be looking to add more resources and educators to the site. Stay in touch with us on social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn!

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